Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday & Sunday, July 17 & 18

Chemo Round 3, Days 15 & 16

The weekend was quiet. We've just kept Collin home so as not to take the chance of exposing him to a bunch of germs while his counts are low, and also to keep him out of the heat and sun as much as possible. He has been babbling more, and trying to copy things that Neya says to him. We enjoy hearing the new sounds he makes. He also pulled himself up to standing many times this weekend, with less effort than it took before; he can also stand for a short period with less assistance. He can also crawl/scoot himself short distances across the floor to get to a toy. He is continuing to use his right hand more when feeding himself, and enjoys using the spoon with either hand to feed himself. I also noticed he has cut three of the four teeth he had coming in; Methadone seems to have given him a break from the teething discomfort he used to experience...;0)

I tried again last night to give the Neupogen injection, but again he moved his leg and the needle came out, and I couldn't bring myself to stick him again, so Bill had to do it. Tonight I just saved us all the trouble and had Bill do it. Thankfully he is able to do it with no problem!

Tomorrow Collin has physical therapy, and then a clinic appointment to receive the last dose of Vincristine in this round.

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