Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 12 - Day +91

Collin has had some great therapy sessions this week; his enthusiasm and willingness to participate are fun to see. Yesterday in OT and PT he was eager to "play" and even initiated his own agenda; he has figured out how to climb up onto the little bench he usually stands at and leans on. He now climbs up onto the bench and then sits up tall, puffs out his chest, and looks all around with his big half-grin, clearly very pleased with himself. Of course he has no awareness of safety, so we have to make sure he doesn't fall off and help him get down by turning around and putting his feet down first. He's also getting more confident when standing, and lets go of whatever he's holding on to for short periods of time. His physical therapist feels it may not be too much longer until he starts to walk on his own.

He's also been eating so well; he'll eat almost anything I put in front of him (his new favorite as of dinner last night is raw sliced bell peppers sticks with ranch salad dressing) and sometimes he'll eat so much I wonder where he's putting it!

I've no longer had to worry about Collin throwing up; it rarely happens, and when it does, it's usually a result of gagging because he takes too big a bite of food. That being said, he suddenly had two eisodes where he was just sitting on the floor and vomited for no obvious reason, just out of the blue, one yesterday and one the day before. I'm trying really hard not to worry. I'm trying really hard to just focus on how well he seems to be doing all around, with therapy, how he's eating, etc. and that he is continually making progress in his recovery. I'm trying really hard to ignore the little voice in my head that wonders if two episodes of vomiting for no reason means that something is putting pressure on that area of his brain again.

His three-month MRI is tomorrow. Please say an extra prayer that it will show no evidence of disease. I hate living in fear...


  1. Isaiah 43:1-5 - a great reminder of God's love for us. Always relieves my fear and anxiety. jane

  2. Hi Jenn - We are so happy to hear all the details of Collin's progress. Saying major prayers to you all about the MRI results. Always thinking of you guys. Love the new picture with his new hair! BIG HUGS!
