Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, January 21 - Day +100!!! Maintenance Chemo Cycle 1, Day 5

Today is 100 days since Collin had his stem cell transplant, and tomorrow is nine months since he was diagnosed. It's hard to believe how fast the time has gone. In the beginning of this journey, I could only bear to look forward minute by minute, and now looking back, it's amazing to see how far Collin has come. He is my hero! Words can't describe how thankful I am that he's doing so well, but in a way I'm afraid to celebrate yet because I know things can change in a heartbeat. I'm doing my best to enjoy every moment I have with him, because I know what a gift each one is!


  1. Laura Leisner LenanderJanuary 22, 2011 at 2:40 PM

    And you are his hero, too! And a hero to all us moms! I am glad he is doing so well.

  2. Bobby Williams here. I just wanted to agree with you Jenn. They are little soldiers fighting an evil that hurts them, and the hearts and souls of all the people around them. Tell Neya, she is the best big sister in the world.....she has stood tall beside her little Princey fellow.

  3. Both you and Collin are an inspiration to everyone that knows you or your story. I came across your blog after seeing it on a friend's facebook page and I've been following your story ever since. We pray for Collin every night in our household. Thank you for sharing your story. He really is a hero.

  4. Jen, I am sooo happy to see everything is still going so well!! I wanted to drop you a message to say I LOVE your family page on the Thon Website!! Little man needs a picture of his hair growing back in on there too :) Hope to see you guys soon!!
    Shannon P :)

  5. Congratu-freakin-lations. This is incredible Jen!
