Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday, May 5

Another CT scan was done today to check the size of the ventricles. It showed only a very slight enlargement in the front ventricle. Neurosurgery decided that if here were no major changes overnight tonight, the EVD will be taken out tomorrow.

The oncologist checked in with us again. She would like to see Collin gain about a pound before the chemo starts, but this seems to be difficult because every time he goes under anesthesia, his tube feeding needs to be turned off for so many hours beforehand. Her goal is to start chemo a week from this coming Friday, May 14. She made sure my support system is still strong because she said about a week after the chemo starts is when it's really going to be hard on me. So far none of this has been easy, so I'm starting to get really worried about what's to come. But I cannot think ahead, I can literally only handle about five minutes at a time. I cannot let myself feel anything, because if I feel, I don't know how I'll survive. Keeping myself numb is the only way I can be strong for Collin.

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